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4 Important supplements you should consider taking in 2024

Starting a New Year (or month), most of the common New Year's resolutions is to eat healthier than the last year. However, when the day of the day finally arrives, it's usually easier said than done. We skip meals, forget them or buy something from the snack bar next door. Unfortunately, this happens at the expense of our health. The lack of nutrients that comes with it often affects our energy levels and mood. One way to eliminate the effects of our nutrient deficiency can be the regular intake of targeted supplements. Although supplements cannot(!) make up for a full meal, they can be an important addition when we cannot get all the vitamins we need.

Here are some of the supplements basics that can help you to elevate your energy & health.

Vitamin D

Depending on the country a lack of sun can cause Vitamin D deficiency. Since foods hardly contain any Vitamin D, supplementation can be very beneficial, especially in colder countries. The vitamin helps the immune system to protect itself from infections by strengthening the body's defenses. Did you know that even our mood can be sustainably improved by Vitamin D? According to some studies, a Vitamin D supplementation have positive influence on low mood.


Iron is an essential trace element that is responsible for our immune function, energy production and cognitive function. Too little iron in the blood results in weakness, tiredness and difficulty concentrating. Especially for women with heavy periods, iron supplementation can be of great importance.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal products and should be taken (if required) especially by the vegetarians or vegans among us. The Vitamin is essential for our nerve function and ensures that the protective myelin layer around our nerve fibers is preserved. A breakdown of this layer can have serious consequences- and is even suspected to be linked to Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin B12 generally improves brain function and, like vitamin D, can also stabilize our mood.


Have you ever heard the phrase that our gut is the second brain of our body? rightly so, because in addition to digestion, our gut flora has a significant influence on our immune system and is responsible for producing neurotransmitters. A healthy flora is even responsible for our immune reactions and thus for keeping our immune system intact. Probiotics can help your gut maintain a healthy and balanced gut flora.

Please note that this article does not replace medical advice. If you experience symptoms such as fatigue, weakness and difficulty concentrating, you should first seek medical advice. Caution is also advised if you are taking other medications: there may be unwanted interactions.

We wish you a healthy 2024!