How to maintain good and young looking hands

They say you can tell a woman's age by her hands. And rightly so: our hands and feet are on the go 24/7. Whether we are typing on a keyboard, applying make-up, cooking or doing other tasks, our hands rarely get a break. There are many skin care tips that can easily be applied to our hands - and we'll show you how.

1. Never expose your hands to chemicals 

Daily activities like cooking and cleaning can harm our hands. The chemicals we use can make our hands rough and dry over time because they damage the skin's natural barrier. To prevent this from occurring, you should always wear protective gloves.

2. Wear sunscreen

What goes for our face and neck also applies to our hands: wearing sun cream is important here if you want to prevent premature skin ageing.

3. Moisture

Depending on how much your hands are exposed to water or chemicals, a richly formulated hand cream can help you to keep your hands soft and nourished.

Pro tip: To achieve effective care results, we recommend leaving on the cream overnight in cotton gloves.

4. Use retinoids

Creams with retinol can speed up cell renewal, which leads to healthier skin. To achieve this, apply a small amount of retinol to your hands before going to bed. Don't forget to protect your hands with sunscreen the day after.

5. Use Peelings

Just like your face, your hands can benefit from exfoliation too. Exfoliants help stimulate blood circulation, get rid of dead skin cells, and reveal smoother skin. When using exfoliants, ensure you take a break with retinol to avoid unnecessary irritation.

6. Use Nourishing Hand Soap

Frequent hand washing makes our hands dry and removes the natural layer of grease. When choosing your hand soap, you should make sure that it is a richly formulated product so that your hands are moisturised during and after washing.


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