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Looksmaxxing for Women: Simple steps to get the best out of your looks

Have you ever heard the term of `Lookmaxxing`? It’s stand for getting the best possible results out of your looks. And while we all know that look isn’t everything, it plays a huge part on how you are perceived and how people treat you. Your appearance also subconsciously tells people how you treat yourself and what level of respect you have for yourself. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to improve your appearance.

Shape your Eyebrows

Your eyes are the window to your soul and they say a lot about you. Starting from your eyebrows, they make up your entire face. Don't believe it? Try hiding your eyebrows and see how the whole personality of your face disappears. That's why it's best to keep your eyebrows close to their natural shape and change them only with professional help.

A healthy Eye Sclera

The color of the sclera is a subconscious indicator of our health and alertness. High contrast is associated with youthfulness, attractiveness and health. Red or yellow eyes, on the other hand, signal health problems and fatigue. If your eyes are very discolored, you should have them checked. Eye drops are available to help support the natural whiteness of your eyes and make them appear clearer. Makeup and contrast, such as eyeliner or mascara, can make your eyes look more awake and visually brighten the whites of your eyes.

With an increase in facial contrasts, the perception of attractiveness tends to heighten.

Hair & Care

A woman's hair can be a big part of her beauty. Unfortunately, we limit ourselves to shampoo and conditioner, which is not enough. Make it a habit to regularly oil your hair according to its type and provide it with products that suit it. In addition to taking care of your hair, do not neglect your hairstyle. Just like the eyebrows, it is an important frame for your face.

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Identify your colours

Some colors look irresistible - except on you. This may be because the color is not your type. As you may have heard, there is a winter type, a summer type, an autumn type and a spring type. If you have trouble defining your type, you can read following article or watch the linked video.

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Smooth skin is also an important indicator of health and attractiveness. If you are struggling with pigmentation or redness, simple adjustments to your beauty routine can help. Seeing a doctor can help determine whether your skin is blemished due to dietary or hormonal factors. The purity of our skin is often dependent on the menstrual cycle. In this case, a targeted intervention with the help of the diet can help to counteract the hormonal imbalance.

Find your Fashion

What kind of person do you want to be? Once you have answered this question, you can start dressing accordingly. Start by buying the basics that every closet needs, which can be good quality fitting jeans, sneakers that can go with any outfit, and basic tops that can go with anything. When buying these items, we advise you to invest in good quality clothes, which we know can be expensive, but they will last a long time.

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