natural teeth hygiene

Throughout the day, many bacteria can build up in our mouths. Sugary drinks or foods in particular can increase the risk of caries. But this does not mean that we have to give up on sweets or on our beloved coffee from now on.

This guide gives tips on how to maintain a healthy oral environment for your gum, tongue, and teeth.

1. Change your toothbrush

Toothbrushes should ideally be changed every 3 months. In the course of daily use, the bristles become dull due to regular friction and miss their purpose. The moist environment of the toothbrush is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Regular replacement prevents infections.

2. Avoid aggressive mouthwashes

Mouthwash is supposed to be a quick fix for unpleasant odors and often promises to prevent caries. Unfortunately, mouthwash does more harm than good. The high alcohol level can lead to irritation and additionally dry out the mouth which can be dangerous in the long term.

3. Use Coconut Oils instead

Coconut oil is excellent for oil pulling and can be used as a supplement to general oral care. Oil pulling can be done before brushing your teeth. With the lauric acid contained in coconut oil, possible bacteria can be effectively prevented and at the same time, the properties of coconut oil provide protection against plaque and caries. It also has the advantage of strengthening the tooth enamel, whitening the teeth, and eliminating unpleasant odors.

4. Try out cloves

In dentistry, cloves are considered a miracle product. Equipped with the naturally occurring substance eugenol, cloves are often used for toothache and help to relieve pain. Even at the dentist, cloves are used for their anesthetic properties to numb possible pain. The next time you have a toothache, it is advisable to reach for cloves. Also in hygienic terms cloves have much to offer: by antimicrobial properties, they move the spread of bacteria, and at the same time they can relieve or prevent inflammation and swelling by their anti-inflammatory properties.


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