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Affirmations as a mental workout

Over a 24-hour long day, multiple thoughts will cross our minds. Not every one of them will be positive nor level up our mood. People with anxiety, stress, or mental health struggles tend to find themselves in an endless loop of negative thoughts. Unfortunately, the human brain tends to focus more on the negative than the positive. The positive message is: The brain is as trainable as the body. And Affirmations are a possible method for a mental workout.

What are affirmations?

So-called affirmations are considered as a cure for negative thinking and low self-worth. Affirmations are consciously positive sentences, that are designed to be repeated several times. These sentences aim to reframe existing negative thoughts and to train away existing insecurities.


Serval studies show that affirmations indeed help to reduce stress, or to deal with negative intrusive thoughts. The magic reason for their effectiveness is called "neuroplasticity." Neuroplasticity helps us to learn new things and to train or untrain habits even in a old age. This property of the brain describes its ability to constantly adapt - provided that the appropriate impulses are given.

How To Do affirmations ?

Affirmations should be realistic and authentic sentences that address real-life situations or areas in your life that you want to improve.

Example: Instead of overthinking whether you are suited for the upcoming promotion or not, you can substitute your thoughts with affirmations that can sound like:

  • I have all the required skills for the role xyz

  • I am a valuable member of my company/ team

  • I deserve a promotion because of (insert your achievements)

Of course, the affirmations must be followed by actual work, so that the desired effect can be achieved.

Affirmations are not a quick fix for deeply rooted insecurities but a first step to a healthier thought environment

One workout will not get you a six-pack nor are affirmations will give you suddenly newfound confidence overnight. BUT, it is one step towards your goal.