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How To build an enjoyable life around a 9 to 5 job

To be ready at 8 or 9 o'clock , we have to wake up one or two hours apart to get ourselves ready, grab some breakfast and go to work. After an 8-hour work shift, most people are so exhausted they just want to sleep or watch NETFLIX. Day in, day out. In between, we hardly have time to breathe or enjoy the life around us. With enough stress, we quickly find ourselves asking is this all my life has to offer? Of course not. But how can we form a life-worthy day around our 9-5 schedule? We have to TAKE our time to make our lives better. And here are some easy tips on how to make your life more enjoyable.

Good (and healthy) food equals life quality.

Good food can nourish our body, mind, and soul. When working the whole day, try giving your body a healthy meal instead of a burger from the next fast food restaurant. It can be home-cooked, a fancy bowl, or whatever quality meal you wish. Good food is good for the body and the mind. Pay wise attention to what you eat over time because this food will transform into energy in the long run. 

Go sleep early and benefit from health, freshness, and balance

Medical professionals can't stress enough about recommending at least 8 hours of sleep. Did you know that women need (a little bit) more rest than men? While men have a 24-hour hormonal cycle, women go through a 28-day cycle with many hormonal changes that can affect our energy and mood, which is why an extra hour of sleep is advised.

Save your money

Nothing drains our energy more than knowing that we work full-time without having money left at the end of the month. If this is the case, you should track your money and budget it properly so that the expenses of all areas of life are covered, and at the same time, a little money can be put aside.

Do yourself a favour and take care of yourself

At work, you are nonstop busy fulfilling your customers' or superiors' wishes and needs. After work, that should be the end of it. Work should stay at work. You should refrain from answering any calls from the office or e-mails after work. Instead, you should take time for an extensive beauty routine where you can relax or meet up with friends or/and family for a chit-chat.

Nourish your soul

Take time to do things that make you laugh or have fun. Whether it is quality time with your friends, partner or a hobby.

Feed your creativity

Throughout our day, we consume a lot of films, social media podcasts, etc. What about creating? Creativity frees our minds from stress and engages our brains in different things than our daily routine. 

Don't put yourself through additional stress.

A full-time job can be very nerve-wracking sometimes. That's why giving your mental health the balance it needs is essential. Daily prayers or meditations can help you to come down. Journaling can also help you process the thoughts that come to your mind throughout the day. Refrain from putting yourself through additional stress by watching or hearing true crime movies and podcasts or emotionally upsetting content. This will only cause an unnecessary rise in your blood pressure and anxiety. Instead, consume relaxing or motivating content.

Do your daily microdose of Homework.

Whether you live alone or with your family, it can be not easy to maintain general cleanliness. With a weekly schedule, you can divide your tasks so the next time you have a clean-up session, you're not faced with a massive mountain of immeasurable tasks. If you have the luxury, we recommend outsourcing your tasks by booking a cleaning service.

Last but not least: Book your vacations in advance.

If it's finally vacation season, it's often hard to find an affordable deal. So you better have to search for your trip in advance. Especially during the summer, it is advised to book your vacations in the winter and even buy your outfit essentials during the winter season and vice versa.