3 Toxic household items you should replace

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At home, we have many items that are supposed to make our living experience more comfortable or items that are supposed to make our place more stylish. Unfortunately, many of those items have health-damaging effects. It is time to replace them with a healthier alternative. In this article, we list daily household items that you should better replace.

Non-stick items

Non-stick pans are very popular in the kitchen because they are known for no food sticking. These pans advertise the advantage that food can be prepared with little amount of oil/fats. Also, the subsequent cleaning is made much more manageable. Unfortunately, these advantages come at the cost of our health: when the (often toxic) coating wears off, residues can end up in our food.

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Plastic cutting boards

Plastic cutting boards often look stylish, are moisture-repellent when handling food, and are easy to clean. Unfortunately, plastic cutting boards also pose health risks to us. The heat may release unwanted chemicals, especially when preparing hot/warm food. In addition, regular use can contribute to the accumulation of bacteria, which is very difficult to remove.

A safe alternative to plastic boards are wooden boards with antibacterial properties. Compared to plastic cutting boards, you benefit from longevity and have an environmentally friendly alternative.

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Especially in the cold season, candles give us a warm feeling of coziness and increase our well-being if they have a pleasant scent. Unfortunately, scented candles often harm our respiratory system and the environment. A healthier alternative can be essential oils or candles made of beeswax.

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