DailyPlan for her

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Easy ways to romanticize your life and feel like the main character

Have you ever seen one of those classic movies where the woman wakes up with a luxurious silk gown and takes all the time she needs to make herself ready, with no hectic at all? We love that main character energy and we should include some of this in our lives too.

Although we know that our lives are not a film, it can be nice to feel like the main character in our own lives and have some fun in the midst of the hectic day that awaits most of us.

Find your personal morning routine

A well-planned morning routine gives shape to your whole day and motivates you to start the day on a high note. Creating a daily, or weekly To-Do list gives structure to your day and a sense of achievement when you realize you can tick a lot of boxes.

Take your time for healthy breakfast

A cup of coffee in the morning can work wonders. Combine it with a nice bowl of oatmeal or another tasty morning meal and you have the energy you need for the day ahead. Did you know that eating protein in the morning can stabilise your mood? If not, give it a try. Whether you prefer proteins, fats or carbs, the benefits of a good breakfast give you enough reasons to enjoy your breakfast in full length.

Buy yourself Flowers

As Miley Cyrus said in one of her songs, women can buy themselves flowers - and they should. Make it a habit to give yourself flowers every week. Being surrounded by a colourful bouquet of flowers automatically lifts our spirits and is a beautiful form of self-care & appreciation.

Wear elegant Loungewear

Many of us put on a pair of joggers the minute we enter our home - especially if we live alone. I mean no one can see you, right? You can see yourself and that matters, therefore you should invest in good looking loungewear. You will feel and look better.