How To get the best possible sleep results

Woman looking through the window

After a stressful day of overstimulation and constant availability, sleep is our long-awaited balance. But sleep is more than an 8-hour trance for relaxation. It is a time of regeneration, when the body and mind process the day's sensory input. Daily stress can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, which is why we listed some simple tips to help you get the best sleep possible.

No caffeine in the evening

Caffeine is known for its stimulating effect on the nervous system. Depending on your caffeine sensitivity, as little as one cup can cause insomnia. Even worse are energy drinks, which contain twice as much caffeine and are also loaded with sugar. Not a healthy combination. Do yourself a favor and have a cup of (decaffeinated!) tea instead. Peppermint or valerian teas, for example, have a calming effect and can help you fall asleep.

No heavy food before sleep

While you sleep, your body works to process the food you have eaten. Avoid heavy meals and eat light meals just before going to bed. Heavy meals are more difficult to digest while lying down.

Avoid bright lights at night

Electronic devices emit light that can interfere with our ability to sleep. It is thought that the presence of bright light sources can suppress the production of melanin (the sleep hormone) and thus our ability to sleep. For this reason, you should use a blue light filter when using electronic devices.

Put your smartphone on airplane mode

Airplane mode not only blocks unwanted notifications and calls at night, but also limits mobile phone radiation to a minimum. Radiation is suspected of affecting our cells. The stronger the radiation from the outgoing device, the deeper it can penetrate. The best option is still to turn off your smartphone.

Mouth taping

Mouth taping is the practice of placing patches on your mouth in the evening to encourage nasal breathing. This, in turn, is said to be good for the immune system and help you feel more rested in general. However, be careful if you find it difficult or impossible to breathe through your nose - in this case, mouth taping should be discussed with a doctor first.

Did you try Moon Milk?

Known from Ayurvedic medicine, Moon Milk is said to help you sleep better. The main ingredient is one teaspoon of Ashwaganda. Ashwaganda is an adaptogen that is said to be effective in relieving stress. The milk is often flavored with cinnamon or lavender.


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