The basics of the Law of Attraction explained

The Law of Attraction, also known as Manifestation, or more recently as the 'Lucky Girl Syndrome', has gained incredible popularity in recent years. Both concepts describe the state of mind of limitlessness. Anything is possible as long as you believe in it.

The idea of being able to turn your entire life upside down and make a 180-degree turn through the power of your imagination sounds too good to be true. Can we wish for or manifest money, happiness or our dream partner? If you believe many successful people, you can basically manifest anything. 

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is based on the premise that like attracts like.

In fact, the concept of attraction is older than we think. In the late 1940s, sociologist Robert Merton described a similar concept, known as the self-fulfilling prophecy, as follows:

"The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come "true."

In practice, this means that the more convinced we are of a positive or negative outcome of a situation, the more likely it is that the hoped-for outcome will occur.

Why is this so?

The answer lies in our approach; more positive people tend to approach projects more positively and put more effort and energy into the hoped for and expected outcome, while a negative outcome can also negatively affect the quality of our work.

Scientific evidence

There is no official scientific proof of the effectiveness of the Law of Attraction, which is why many critics consider the concept to be pseudoscience. In particular, critics criticise the danger of this concept in circumstances or events that are beyond our control. The Law of Attraction implies 100% responsibility in all life situations and excludes other factors. Exaggerated, this can quickly lead to the erroneous conclusion that illness, wealth and happiness are absolutely within our power, as we can basically wish and hope for anything.


The benefits of the Law of Attraction are obvious: in addition to a positive attitude towards difficult situations, the Law of Attraction can help us to leave the passive victim role and approach our lives with more actively.

Although there is no proof of the Law of Attraction, various studies have found that a spiritual or religious belief in a higher power can have positive effects. Especially for the elderly or the sick, faith can help them to feel less helpless in the face of their circumstances. In this way, even drastic experiences are perceived with acceptance and as part of a greater overall legitimacy.

However, the apparent magic of the Law of Attraction goes far beyond the mere cultivation of positive thoughts towards a specific goal; it is rather about replacing subliminal beliefs in a sustainable way. Beliefs accompany us throughout our lives and are the foundation of our inner and outer world. Often these limiting beliefs are inherited from friends, family or other people and reflect only the limitations of those who express them.

The Law of Attraction shouldn't be seen as a cure for unpleasant problems, but as a guide to navigate us through such events. The concept encourages hope in hopelessness and motivates faith even in seemingly hopeless situations.



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