Do you want to get ahead in life? Find your unfair advantage and put an highlighter on it! 

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Success comes in many faces, but people fixate on their weaknesses and wallow in bad experiences. Human suffering comes from the inability to accept either self or immutable facts. While self-reflection is essential for getting further in life, it is also crucial to define your strengths.

Start underlining your individuality instead of adjusting to a fictional ideal or persona you think you must be.

Imagine what would happen if you finally start doing YOU? 

In this article, we discuss your strengths. Or, as *Ash Ali & Hasan Kubba put it, your "unfair advantages." However, by unfair advantages, we won't discuss classic talents such as (singing, acting, etc.) or superficial parameters such as status or beauty but rather your intrinsic qualities. 


Extroverted people are blessed with the natural talent to get along with various kinds of people. If you are an extrovert, you know how to read the room and have the natural ability to connect with people, network, and build interpersonal connections. In a group setting, extroverted personalities are usually open to new people and are a mood booster and identity builder within the group.

Room for improvement : You get quickly bored and have a strong need for outside stimulation. You are susceptible to group thinking. Discover your individuality outside the group.


Introverts direct their focus on themselves. If you are introverted, you are analytical and self-regulated. You rather prefer one-to-one talks than large group settings. When you are in groups you may find yourself taking a bird's-eye view. Your friends and family cherish your ability to hear them out and you also able to provide with good solutions to their problems.

Room for improvement: People could mistake your quietness for arrogance or disinterest. Make yourself a little bit more seen. You don't have to be the entertainer in the group but can also be seen by giving people the stage they want by hearing them out. 

—>You can make yourself seen by giving people the feeling that they are seen and heard out. Discover the people around you

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Popularity & Charisma`

People are drawn to you, and you actually don't know why. (Or maybe you do ;)) Many people mistake charisma for status or beauty. But being solely wealthy, beautiful, or an owner of a company won't make you charismatic. The same goes for your intro or extraversion; both personality traits can both radiate charisma. 

There are 4 (known) types of charisma:

  • Authoritative charisma: Presidents, bosses, but also private personalities. Authoritarian charisma radiates strong competence and leadership qualities. You have the ability to influence and convince people. But with authority comes also great responsibility.

  • Visionary charisma: Inspirational personalities who have a great version for themselves or the world around them. People with this charisma are not small thinkers but think outside the box. These people are often found as classic entrepreneurs in start-ups or working as coaches. In the right environments, this charisma can be infectious and motivate people to perform at their best. An example: Tony Robbins.

  • Focus charisma: This charisma radiates great presence. In 1 to 1 conversations, you are able to give yourself entirely to your conversation partner by listening well and asking specific questions. In your company, people feel seen, understood, and meaningful. We find these people often working as therapists, for example. Those people also make incredible good partners.


You like to philosophize, familiarize yourself with familiar or unfamiliar subjects, and constantly strive to acquire new knowledge or deepen existing knowledge. You have the talent to be an expert and understand content in depth. You also have for yourself the aspiration to constantly improve yourself.

Room for improvement: Sometimes, you make a big problem out of nothing,You think too much and you are unable to enjoy life around you without overthinking it. Try to enjoy the now.


You love people. Or at least you have a deep-rooted understanding for them. You perceive things on an emotional level and have, therefore a different, more intensive access to the world and to people. You are both able and willing to look behind the facade to understand the people you deal with. Through your empathy, you can lead sustainable relationships that are built on understanding and goodwill. In groups or organizations, you may often take the role as the mediator and prefer harmony.

Room for improvement: Your empathy can be nerve-wracking over time. In addition to your empathy for others, you must learn to have the same empathy for yourself and to stand up for your own rights and interests when necessary.

If you have difficulty in evaluating yourself, you can ask yourself or your environment the following questions:

  • What role do you play in groups?

  • What do strangers appreciate you for/ what do those closest to you appreciate you for?

  • Which things are surprisingly easier for you than others?

  • What aspects of everyday life stand out to you that others in your area don't seem to notice? Are those emotionally rational or social? 

The presence of one strength does not mean the absence of the other qualities mentioned. You can be a combination of everything - everyone can have everything in them - the art of self-mastery is to recognize which profile makes you unique and use it to your advantage.


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