Your office survival kit 101

People sitting in the office

Transitioning from college or other work environments to the corporate world can be difficult. When entering the workplace, there are some unspoken rules that you should be aware of before you start. Here are some basic rules of office etiquette that you should use as a guide:

Dress for success

Have you heard of the halo effect? This is when people automatically attribute good qualities - in the case of work, competence - to you simply because of your attractive appearance. Use this to your advantage by dressing in a way that makes you feel confident. Avoid wearing casual or provocative clothing to the office.

Do the small talk.

In an ideal world, your work and your integrity will speak for itself, but working in an office couldn’t be further away from the truth. In reality, people who are well-liked will get ahead in their careers, even if their performance is average. People who make it a habit to regularly interact with their coworkers, especially their superiors, are more likely to be noticed and, therefore, perceived as more competent than the quieter ones. So, skipping the small talk or social events at work will (or can) make you disliked compared to the more talkative personalities.

Keep track of agreements

At work, everything should be written down. Starting with your achievements, completed tasks, agreements and important conversations with superiors. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for promises to be broken or achievements to go unnoticed.

You should send your written agreements to your counterpart and to the HR department to confirm performance targets, contract changes or similar important agreements.

Don’t participate in petty fights

Long working days can bring a lot of frustration. It is not uncommon for people to take their anger and frustration out on others. Beware of giving others your unfiltered opinion when you are in a state of anger or getting involved in arguments. This does not mean that you should not express your opinion at all - but do so in a diplomatic way. Keep your cool and your distance.

No gossip, or worse, bullying

Gossip may be fun in the heat of the moment, but it will destroy the climate between you and your colleagues in the long run. While it's fun for you and your colleagues, the people being gossiped about will have a hard time at work. Don't be naive and think that a person who loves to gossip will stop when it comes to you.

Be aware of personality types who are constantly involved in drama or who thrive on other people's shortcomings; these aren't people you want to develop a relationship with.

For introverts : Talk about your accomplishment!

Unfortunately, introverts are chronically underestimated - especially in the office. People mistake silence for incompetence, or worse, tend to project all sorts of ideas onto you. To avoid this, prepare to speak at least a little at every meeting. Participate in meetings to showcase your accomplishments - just as others do on a regular basis.

Never outshine the master, instead put more light to them

Especially at the beginning, you may want to prove your competence, skills and knowledge to people who are superior to you, or you may want to change and improve everything around you. But beware: This behaviour can make those around you feel that their power or superiority is being threatened.


The idea of getting revenge Through huge success


Do you want to get ahead in life? Find your unfair advantage and put an highlighter on it!