Unlocking the female cycle: How our menstrual cycle affects our mood and energy

As women, we are known to be complex beings, especially because of our menstrual cycle. But did you know that each phase of your cycle can significantly affect your energy level, mood and even appearance? Understanding your cycle is essential to understanding yourself. Since our hormones have a significant impact on our life, identifying the phase can help you understand yourself and your body.

The follicular phase

The female cycle begins with the follicular phase, which marks the first day of menstruation. During this phase, the body produces the hormone FSH, which helps to mature new egg cells for the next release. For many women, this phase is associated with an increased sense of well-being due to the rise in estrogen levels.

Luteal phase

After the follicular phase, the body prepares for ovulation. The hormone LH gradually increases and triggers the follicle to burst, releasing a mature egg. The final ovulation usually happens between the 12th and 16th day of the menstrual cycle and lasts for 12-24 hours. The days before the ovulation are known as the fertile days, which lasts for about 4-5 days.

At this time, women may experience increased energy levels due to higher testosterone levels. During this period also the estrogen levels rise and can cause improved mood. Scientific research even suggests that higher estrogen levels may enhance perceived attractiveness.


If the egg released is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus that has built up dissolves, and menstruation occurs, starting a new cycle. Before the period, the level of estrogen decreases while the level of progestogen increases. These rapid hormone fluctuations often affect a woman's mood. If symptoms such as mood swings, cravings, and anxiety are severe, it is known as PMS. These symptoms typically subside at the start of a new cycle. Avoid coffee, get plenty of sleep, and generally take it slow if you know you have severe PMS symptoms.

Remember that everyone is unique and their menstrual phases can vary. A period calendar can help identify the respective phase and categorize mood swings. This way, you can align your everyday life with your cycle to feel more comfortable in your skin.


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